Hi James,

Stephen Lau wrote:
James Dickens wrote:
sorry this is opensolaris, and not the ON distrobution, sun doesn't
have the right to pick the  "gate keeper" of a community without a
discussion on the subjec and possibly a vote, this seems very
underhanded. I value sun choices for my OS, but I have found sun's
choices for opensource software to be lacking, It is time to increase
choices and keep the community growing not for sun to steam roll the

I for one will not support a community of freeware that is created
without a full discussion and a vote.

James Dickens. 

Hi James,
	We are no picking the gatekeeper of a community.  The open source 
software community will still continue to have its de facto leaders 
(sunfreeware, blastwave, etc. etc.).  Steve Christensen will be merely 
looking after the gate of the Sun companion CD.  This is complementary 
to the open source software packaging community - NOT a replacement for 
It occurs to me that the term "gatekeeper" is really more from Sun's teamware source control legacy and could carry a negative connotation to someone in the community who is not (or only loosely) familiar with the term.

I can't describe it as well as others on the list (so I won't try to), but as someone not in engineering (just a lowly field guy), I see gates as subsets of a larger work.  In any OSS community, someone is looking after the main trunk and doing the (often underappreciated) work of coordinating all of the various changes that people want to make to the codebase.  That's how I see the teamware "gatekeeper" role.  I'm sure that's how it was meant.  Take a look at Bryan Cantrill's doc here: http://www.opensolaris.org/os/community/documentation/getting_started_docs/developing-in-on.pdf
(it seems to have been originally written for folks inside Sun, but it gives you a peek at what's going on behind the curtain)

Don't take it to mean there will be someone from Sun or some other group reviewing what you want to do and slap your hand when you try to do it.  The CAB has yet to speak up on the matter (to my knowledge, I could be wrong), but from everything I've heard to date the goal is to have something along the lines of meritocracy that guides the excellent work from the Apache Software Foundation.

If you have opinions {should|should not|must|must not} along the lines of who does what in the various components that are consolidated to make OpenSolaris (and it's derivatives), then I'm sure the CAB would like to hear about them.

For the new work Sun is pushing outside, it makes sense to get someone to lead that work.  I don't know how they found the leader for the Companion CD stuff, but I'm sure everyone is open to feeback for how it should be done in the future.  I'm sure it wasn't done with malice-- Sun just had to start somewhere.

	This will not be "the one true community of freeware".  This is just a 
way to get Sun's existing freeware-source-base (e.g.: the companion CD) 
out there and into the community.  I expect that Dennis, Steve, and 
whomever else will work on growing and developing this community in 
public.  It is not Sun's intent to steamroll the community..
- Matt

Matt Ingenthron - Technical Specialist, Web Services 
Sun Microsystems, Inc. - Client Solutions
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]             Phone: 310-242-6439
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