Kaiwai Gardiner wrote:
So, what is it? is Solaris a desktop or a server operating system? come on, admit it, you're just burning to say, "Matty, its a server OS!"

I don't understand why you are under the impression that Sun can't have an
OS that runs just fine on a desktop and also runs just fine on a server.
Yes, there are definite gaps in the desktop... but amazingly enough these
are being dealt with through projects and sub-communities:


Are you contributing to any of these?

Lets see; on one had you have a bag of half baked rubbish, collated together, and called GNOME every 6 months OR you have on the other hand, a desktop where all the applications have been developed to work together in an integrated fashioned, called KDE. Sun has limited resources, is it wise to invest so much time and money into a desktop (GNOME) that requires so much TLC when the better option would have been to choose KDE which is already 'there' interms of desktop usability, integration, well written documentation, good GUI based development tools etc. etc.

You would probably be surprised to find out that there is actually
a solid, well-reasoned and technical basis for Sun's decision to use
gnome rather than kde. I know this has been hashed over time and time
again in various newsgroups and mailing lists. Of course, you probably
wouldn't be interested to read answer #23 in this document:


James C. McPherson
Solaris Datapath Engineering
Data Management Group
Sun Microsystems
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