On Tue, 2007-01-30 at 16:56 -0800, Stephen Harpster wrote:
> Ugh. Here's the de-HTML'ed one.... Sorry.....
> In the last few months I've seen more and more speculation about the prospect 
> of dual-licensing OpenSolaris under GPLv3.  In November 
> Jonathan very publically asked Rich if he would look into it, and everyone 
> knows that we are fully engaged in the GPLv3 process.  
> As Rich has made clear, we're looking into it.  No decisions have been made.  
> We've seen discussions in blogs and in the news, 
> but I haven't seen much in the OpenSolaris community itself.
> I think that we ("we" being all of you) should be asking ourselves what we 
> think about GPLv3.  What would it
> mean to the community if we dual-licensed?  It's now a possibility that we 
> could attach an "assembly exception"
> to the GPLv3 which would let us mix GPL and CDDL code.  This could open up a 
> world of possibilities.
> But what are the downsides?  What does the community, you, think of the way 
> GPLv3 is taking shape?  These are important issues and I urge 
> everyone with an opinion to voice it sooner rather than later.

The main technical reason I can see for doing this is to allow (linux)
drivers to be ported to opensolaris. I'd imagine that there are quite a
few linux drivers which are GPLv2 or later, these could be ported to
opensolaris if we added GPLv3 licensing.

Other than that technical issue it may bring about *some* extra goodwill
from the FSF zealots - IMO we shouldn't cater to extremists.

The main problem I see with porting the (GPLv3) linux drivers to
opensolaris is that the owners of that code probably won't want to
dual-license it under the CDDL... this in turn creates pressure for a
GPLv3 only fork of opensolaris: something which is definitely very bad
for the opensolaris community.


Isn't the major problem the fact that s

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