On 26/03/07, Chung Hang Christopher Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Please, no entrenched GNOME or gcc.
> What does that mean?

It means please do not take it down the Nexenta road
of using gcc built packages and fat unstable GNOME. It

"fat unstable GNOME" -- you realise that Sun chose GNOME as the
desktop a long time ago for Solaris? I also think that your
description of GNOME is rather unfair, and rather inaccurate.

You seem to not like GNOME very much or the most capable open source
browser we have available for the platform. It might be better if you
proposed alternatives.

is a real pity that firefox and thunderbird use gtk. I
am not saying everything gnome is bad but the
underlying gtk stuff is something that I have not had
a very nice experience with. Of course, the nexenta
choice of deb packaging is very nice.

What else would they use?

I'd want sun cc compiled packages and stable sun
libraries with gcc and glibc stuff available separately.

That's what we have right now at last check.

"Less is only more where more is no good." --Frank Lloyd Wright

Shawn Walker, Software and Systems Analyst
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://binarycrusader.blogspot.com/
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