On 08/04/07, Chung Hang Christopher Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
packages and repositories are too different things.
apt and yum are repository tools.

Yes, I know that, but I don't see how that is relevant.

There goes your dist upgrade for a driver being
overkill and highly unlikely when there does not
appear to be a kernel package available to let you
just upgrade the kernel.

I fail to see how you can reach that conclusion, and yes, a
dist-upgrade is still overkill. A dist-upgrade implies more than just
a kernel upgrade. Your connections and conclusions make no sense. A
dist-upgrade would be like going from Solaris 10 GA -> Solaris 10
Update 3; not just upgrading the kernel for a new driver, which is
rarely necessary (from what I've seen).

Shawn, you have provided absolutely no information
that  comes close to what you can get with apt + dpkg
or yum + rpm. Is there any '???' + pkg?

I didn't know I was trying to.

If you are asking, "is there a tool *exactly* like apt-get that comes
with the release version of Solaris 10?" No, there is not. However,
there is an update management tool.

"Is there a tool like dpkg?" Yes, since dpkg is just a package
manager; Solaris has package management tools.

Most of your confusion seems to stem around not understanding the
updates are handled differently for the Community and Developer
releases of Solaris than the "official" release.

The official release has an update manager that provides new driver,
fixes, patches, etc. The Community and Developer releases do not; if
you want to upgrade with those, you use the upgrade functionality
provided by the installer with each new release.

"Less is only more where more is no good." --Frank Lloyd Wright

Shawn Walker, Software and Systems Analyst
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://binarycrusader.blogspot.com/
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