> Which desktop are you running?

KDE (as a user) and Gnome (a rare root session, occasionally as a user) and 
xterm (skills playground) with no problems so far. 

> It works for you but when it comes to stability I've
> found it lacking.

That's fine.  It's very likely explained by the difference in our focus of use, 
which effectively defines the differences in our resulting experiences.

> :-) I'm a management kinda guy - I outsource all that
> kinda stuff ;-)

hahahaha....nice touch.

> As for your Solaris experience - if you'er running a
> desktop, grab a
> copy of SXDE or SXCE - latest features, no more bug
> ridden than Fedora
> and pretty damn reliable.  Basing a review on Solaris
> 11/06 is pretty
> premature given the *cough* "mature nature" of
> Solaris 10.

Well, I tried this whole Solaris on my notebook thing on a lark anyway, because 
of my affection for Solaris; regardless of her age, she's still a beauty to me. 
 Anyone looking for depth and quality is going to find it in abundance in 

I also want to be clear -because it is important to note in this forum- that it 
was my ignorance of the available code bases which led to a poor choice, not 
any flaws in Solaris itself...I just went with what I know.  And, though I knew 
OpenSolaris was here, I had not looked at it closely, until now.  Clearly, 
there are offerings that are going to work just fine, and I am looking forward 
to installing them.

Therefore, by any measure of reason and integrity, I am compelled to concede 
your point that that my evaluation is premature, that it was directed at the 
wrong product, and therefore lacks value in this forum -other than to serve as 
a warning of the problems that may arise as a result of exercising "a little" 

I'll give SXDE or SXCE a shot on one of my test boxes.  I have a lot of 
hardware, which I use for different platform integration configurations.  
Sometimes, pieces of it sit here for a week or so, which presents an occasional 
opportunity to play in the sandbox.

FYI: I dl'ed several of the OpenSolaris bases yesterday, with the intent of 
installing one on this notebook; I'll let you know how it goes.  I will give 
Solaris Express a shot at the HD and the beleniX "live" DVD version an 
occasional spin to watch it grow.

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