A simple yes or no would have sufficed.

I found this thread via google. If I can do that then by chance some marketing guy at Adobe trying to get a preliminary feel for whether there is a demand for porting Reader on Sol x86 can too. Then again a marketing guy might find googling a tad too difficult. :)

Hear's a thought. Maybe hostile responses on public Sun sponsored mailing lists, from Sun employees to their customers simple questions, influences Adobe's business decisions. Not that I was inferring that the people on this list had influence, nor should Sun advocate requests for third party software for their customers.

Sorry to hear Sun gaining market sure and increasing your job security doesn't excite you as much as it excites Sun's customers and proponents.

Hopefully your just having a bad day. It happens. This is the first time Sun has made me feel like a moron for asking a question though. I'd halfway expect that kind of response in a mailing list for some uber elite/geek Linux distro, but didn't expect that here.

I guess next time I'll just use the Premium Service Plan we pay for and file a trouble ticket and slow down the entire support process for other paying customers with my simple yes or no questions.

Rant over and I apologize. That "Ugh" set me off.  A rolling eyes emoticon probably would have made me laugh. But answering with an Ugh from a corporate email address isn't very professional and as a customer it's not very reassuring. Ugh, is like saying "Hey guys look at this idiot" and the guy your talking about is standing right next to you.

And thanks to Matt who replied before I sent this reply. His answer was helpful. "Adobe has decided to be anti-social"

Cool, thanks, Adobe is still being lame, so no new word on Reader for Solaris x86. That I can understand.

Now back to important stuff.


James Carlson wrote:
Aaron Wilson writes:
Intel based IBM servers + Solaris 10 x86 = greater Solaris x86 market
share = greater demand for Adobe Reader on Solaris x86<br>
So is there any new word if Adobe is planning to release a more current
version of Adobe Reader for Solaris x86?<br>

Ugh.  How I hope that every single market win for Sun doesn't
translate into a reason to resurrect this thread.

Let it die.  We, the people on this list, have no influence on Adobe's
business decisions.  We really don't.

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