>The problem is with bringing this thread up again ... and again
>... and again.  Talking about it here is not likely to help, because
>we're at best the choir.  It's Adobe that needs to get the message.

Yes but we should also realize that the majority of people on the
Net or generally any forum is "New" (cf. Eternal September) and that
they may have pertinent questions which have been asked and answered before
and which lead to annoying discussions.

It's hard to blame the uninitiated but it's hard to formulate an answer
when you're annoyed (not Acroread again!) and which does not upset
the person asking the question.

Is it possible to have a neutral answer about Adobe Acroread?

Is it possible to formulate an answer which will not lead to
yet another thread?

Probably not.

Q. Why is there no Acroread for Solaris/x86?

A. There is no version of Acroread for Solaris/x86 because Adobe has chosen
   to stop providing an updated version after shipping version 4.0.5.
   Sun and other have asked (even very nicely) but Adobe has not budged.
   If you want Acroread for Solaris/x86, your best option is to contact
   Adobe and fill in a request on their website.


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