UNIX admin writes:
> The crucial question is this: is the PSARC / ARC / whatever you want to call 
> it -- let's call it "the process" so *rigid* and so *inflexible* that, even 
> when someone external reports a conflict, nothing can be done about it?

There's no conflict.  Nobody (not even Joerg) has ever suggested that
his implementation of "compare" would ever be integrated into
OpenSolaris.  No proposal has ever been made; not even a suggestion.

If such a proposal were made, we would do the obvious things: look at
how it fits with the rest of the system, and explore the
alternatives.  Does the world really need both /usr/bin/cmp and
/usr/bin/joerg-compare?  Why?  If all it provides is better file
comparisons then either (a) it might go better as a /usr/bin/cmp
replacement or (b) nobody cares.

The only "problem" we have is a utility of unknown usefulness that has
never been proposed for integration into any OpenSolaris
consolidation.  That should not pose a roadblock to a project team
that's doing something *useful* for OpenSolaris: I consider cleaning
up the /usr/sfw/bin ghetto to be a useful task.

I know you chided me earlier for being a bit provincial in saying that
things outside OpenSolaris don't exist, but this is exactly the
situation I was talking about.  I see no reason to suppose that
Joerg's claim to /usr/bin/compare is at all important to any
OpenSolaris user.  I'm certainly willing to be argued the other way on
that (are there in fact any users?), but I simply don't see it;
particularly so when nobody has seen fit to try to integrate it.

All that I've seen so far is pointless complaining, wild accusations,
and claims that everything's broken.  I'd much rather see project
proposals, but I'm very much doubting that'll happen.

> I mean, does the process need to looked at and revised, or are we dealing 
> with an emotional factor here as well?

I think it's purely the latter.

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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