In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Sun, 25 Jan 2004 11:02:06 -0500, Jeffrey Altman 

jaltman> I think there are two very different markets.  One is the
jaltman> cygwin (unix on windows) environments which expect things to
jaltman> be named the way they are on Unix/Linux.  The other is the
jaltman> native windows environment which expects naming to be as it
jaltman> has been on Windows.  I think both need to be supported
jaltman> therefore there should not be a name collision.

I entirely agree with the idea of following the standard set in the
environment you work in.  However, if we look at the file name without
the extension, I'm only aware of a naming standard on Unix (libraries
start with "lib") and VMS (it's a little bit more complex, and
includes things like a prefix for the utility or language the library
is connected to, and usually includes the word "SHR" for shareable
libraries, although I see a lot of variety still...).  I'm not aware
of any naming convention for Windows libraries, and haven't been able
to get a straight answer when I ask (and if you look at the variants
of LIBC that comes with MSVC, you see a bit of variety there as well).

On Windows, there's the added complexity of using different run-time
libraries depending on if you're using threads or not, if you built in
debug mode or not, and other details I'm not aware of.  I've heard
suggestions of creating several variants of the OpenSSL libraries that
would be used in parallell with the different MSVC libraries, and
that's where a naming convention is becoming even more important.

Added to this problem, we have the different register sizes on
different CPUs (32-bit, 64-bit, and whatever will follow), which seems
to be difficult to intermix in the same library, and thereby requires
another bit of information that may need to be included in library
file names, and as far as I understand, no-one has yet come up with a
commonly accepted standard.

I would love it if someone could point out a standard for each
operating system family (Unix, Windows, VMS, ...) and if we could
figure out a way to adhere to that in a meaningful way.

Thoughts?  Opinions?  Wishes to strangle me for sturring this up :-)?

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