On 12/03/2013 05:30 PM, Mark McLoughlin wrote:
On Wed, 2013-12-04 at 10:42 +1300, Robert Collins wrote:
Hey - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/57022/7//COMMIT_MSG - I
strongly suggested here that reusing the Nova object code is the first
step towards an objects library, and that we should be putting it in
olso; there are some reasonable concerns about this being experimental

The Oslo wiki page says:
The process of developing a new Oslo API usually begins by taking code
which is common to some OpenStack projects and moving it into the
oslo-incubator repository. New APIs live in the incubator until they
have matured to meet the criteria described above.

So if this code lands in solum as-is, its now common - to me that
means we should be going straight to oslo.incubator and working on
shared code.

However there's clearly an expectation mismatch - so - any thoughts?

Speaking to Devananda about the copy of the code in Ironic, he made the
case that Ironic was just going to sync the code from Nova without
making modifications to it until the code was ready to graduate as a
standalone library or move to oslo-incubator.

That actually does make some sense - I've often described oslo-incubator
as "managed copy and paste". It still sucks, but not as much as the copy
and paste we've done previously where the multiple copies of the same
code evolved independently.

Now, in the case of this Solum import, it does look like this is a fork
of the Nova code. Unless there's some realistic plan to reconcile these
forks, then I think it is a problem and quite short-sighted.

Not a problem that cannot be resolved, and quickly :) Heck, we are about as early in the process as you can possibly be! Robert is right to bring this important topic up now in the early code reviews.

So, there was some discussion with Clayton Coleman and Dan Smith around reasons for diverging [1]. Some of the reasons were due to stuff that Dan himself noted in code reviews existed for backwards compatibility or hack reasons in Nova and that did not apply to Solum. Some of the reasons were around development/design patterns that folks thought were too magical. In either case, you and Robert are probably right that it would be good to plop this code into oslo incubator and iterate on it there, instead of in one of the projects...


[1] http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2013-November/018480.html

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