Hello everybody,

based on feedback which I received last week, I am sending updated wireframes. They are still not completely final, more use-cases and smaller updates will occur, but I believe that we are going forward pretty well.


What has changed?
* 'Architecture' dropdown was added for all node descriptions
* New views for Deployed and Free nodes
* Removed Configuration part from Deployment Overview page (will be happening under Configuration tab (under construction))
* Added progressing page of overcloud being deployed + Deployment Log
* Added Overcloud Horizon UI link to Deployment Overview page
* Added view for down-scaling (need more work)
* Added Implementation guide for developers

New versions of wireframes, supporting other use-cases will occur in time, but I hope that without huge changes.

-- Jarda

On 2014/16/01 01:50, Jaromir Coufal wrote:
Hi folks,

thanks everybody for feedback. Based on that I updated wireframes and
tried to provide a minimum scope for Icehouse timeframe.


Hopefully we are able to deliver described set of features. But if you
find something what is missing which is critical for the first release
(or that we are implementing a feature which should not have such high
priority), please speak up now.

The wireframes are very close to implementation. In time, there will
appear more views and we will see if we can get them in as well.

Thanks all for participation
-- Jarda

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