Maybe we need to think about this from a distributed software perspective?

* Divide and Conquer? 

Can we split the topics to create more manageable sub-groups? This way it's not 
core-vs-non-core but intererested-vs-moderately-interested.  (of course, this 
is much the way the mailing list works). Perhaps OnAir would work well for that?

How about geographic separation? Meetings per time-zone that roll up into 
larger meetings (see "More Workers" below). This is much the same way the 
regional openstack meetups work, but with specific topics. 

Of course, then we get replication latency :)

* More workers?

Can we assign topic owners? Cores might delegate a topic to a non-core member 
to gather consensus, concerns, suggestions and summarize the result to present 
during weekly IRC meetings.

*  Better threading?

Are there other tools than mailing lists for talking about these topics? Would 
mind-mapping software [1] work better for keeping the threads manageable? 

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