Thanks for getting this going, Everett! Comments inline...

On 10/08/2014 07:05 PM, Everett Toews wrote:

This is the start of the API Working Group (API WG).

yay! :)

To avoid bike shedding over the name of the working group, I decided
to title the wiki page API Working Group. Simple, to the point, and
avoids loaded terms like standards, best practices, guidelines,
conventions, etc.

Yup, ++

The point isn’t what we name it. The point is what action we take
about it. I propose the deliverables in the API WG wiki page.

Speaking of the wiki page, I wrote it very matter-of-factly. As if
this is the way things are. They’re not. The wiki page is just a
starting point. If something was missed, add it. If something can be
improved, improve it. Let’s try to keep it simple though.

The wiki content looks fine, with the exception that I really do feel the working group needs to have some ability to review and enforce consistency within proposed REST APIs. The wording right now is:

"The API WG is focused on creating guidelines for the APIs"

which of course is fine, but I think that the Technical Committee should essentially grant the working group the power to enforce guidelines and consistency for proposed new REST APIs -- whether it's a new REST API version in an existing project or a REST APi for a newly-proposed OpenStack server project.

I invite everyone who chimed in on the original thread [1] that
kicked this off to add themselves as a member committed to making the
OpenStack APIs better. I’ve Cc’d everyone who asked to be kept in the

I already see some cross project summit topics [2] on APIs. But
frankly, with the number of people committed to this topic, I’d
expect there to be more. I encourage everyone to submit more API
related sessions with better descriptions and goals about what you
want to achieve in those sessions.

Will do.


Regards, Everett


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