On Wednesday, October 29, 2014, Ondrej Wisniewski <
ondrej.wisniew...@dektech.com.au> wrote:

>  Hi Dolph,
> I guess it sounds complicated but in the end our setup is really not much
> different from the community workflow, a least this is the intention. What
> I am trying to achieve is a possibility for the team of developers to share
> code among each other by using a central Git repository.

The community already shares code through Work In Progress Gerrit
reviews, and not necessarily by landing commits. We pastebin git diffs that
can be quickly shared and applied. We occasionally maintain experimental
branches on personal github accounts. Git itself is decentralized, so
your developers can push and pull from each other directly if
necessary. I'm sure others can suggest more innovative ways to share code

There's no need to create barriers between your developers and the rest of
the world. We're all one community. Please let them join.

> This is according to the centralized workflow using distributed Git as
> described in the official Git documentation (see ref. [1]).
> If I understand correctly, we cannot use the OpenStack community Git
> servers as our central Git repository since developers cannot push to them.
> And we don't want to go through Gerrit and the code review procedure just
> to share a bit of code with somebody else in the team. Thus the need for a
> local mirror.


> Additionally also a local Gerrit server was set up to allow for internal
> code review within the team before submitting anything to the community
> server review.openstack.org (which will be done eventually). This is also
> helpful in case our Internet connection goes down, as we will still be able
> to follow the complete workflow inside the LAN.
> Hope this explains a little better the motivation for the described setup.
> Ondrej
> [1] http://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Distributed-Git-Distributed-Workflows
> *On 10/29/2014 02:14 PM, Dolph Mathews wrote:*
 I've been following the conversation, probably like many others, wondering
> why in the world you need such a complicated, high-maintenance workflow?
> What's the use case? Why can't your developers use review.openstack.org?
> In your first email, you used the phrase "trying to set up an OpenStack
> development workflow in our company" but what you're building is not an
> OpenStack development workflow at all - it's an expensive private island.
> The community's workflow is quite well documented here:
> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Gerrit_Workflow
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