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On 09/12/09 11:54, Samuli Seppänen wrote:
>> On Mon, Dec 07, 2009 at 12:25:09PM +0200, Samuli Seppänen wrote:
>>> Hello everybody,
>>> I'm the newly appointed community manager for OpenVPN Technologies. I
>>> will be acting as a liaison between OpenVPN community and OpenVPN
>>> Technologies. I will help us (the company) make our development more
>>> community-oriented, e.g. by providing the tools and making development
>> [snip]
>> Hi Samuli,
>> Welcome! I hope the communication with the community will improve with
>> your help. In this regard, I'd like to know if it's in your duties to
>> deal with bug reports/feature requests, since there's a bunch [1] of
>> them reported in the Debian Bug Tracking System.
>> Please don't hesitate to contact me if you need my help at any time.
>> Thanks,
>> Alberto
>> [1] 
>> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?include=tags:upstream;dist=unstable;package=openvpn
> Hi Gonzales,
> We're definitely committed to making OpenVPN as close to a true
> community project as possible. This will require rethinking how OpenVPN
> development is done. In theory it's easy: just delegate responsibility
> to community members. The problem is how to keep the work organized so
> that the new development process actually produces better (and faster)
> results. This is something I've already discussed with some community
> members. One option mentioned was the Linux kernel model. In our case,
> James would be Linus who (mostly) reviews other people's patches and
> applies them. 

I strongly encourages such a model.  This might be not needed
information what I'm providing here now, but I'll add it for those who
are don't know or just are interested in one approach of how such a
community can work.  This is purely my own experiences with working with
such communities.

I believe James have received several patches in the past from people on
the mailing list - or directly.  At least I hope he keeps an eye on the
mailing list and might have an idea who might be potential candidates to
help out in his "inner circle".  Anyhow, it is important that this
circle includes people which he can trust 100%.  Each of these persons
(maybe they will concentrate on different parts of the OpenVPN code, but
this they need to arrange between themselves) will then pay attention to
patches which hits their segment/interest field and they can validate
these patches.  It don't need to be many persons, it can be one or it
can be fifteen, the amount is not that important, especially not right
now.  The important part is that there are someone who reviews and keeps
an open dialogue with the community and also have a good connection with
James.  They will either include patches into their own source trees, or
kick them back to be reworked or cancelled completely.

Patches which are accepted will then be sent to James for a final review
and inclusion.  If James don't like it, it must be discussed on the
mailing list so that everyone can see and understand why it was rejected
and how to make it more acceptable for inclusion.  If James can take the
time to bring this discussion on the mailing list directly himself in
these cases, that would bring the needed transparency.  Further, it
should hopefully not happen too often, as James' "inner circle" should
already have made sure it is suitable for inclusion.

These "inner circle" people do not need to be "community members".  I
don't know how big the OpenVPN Technologies Inc. company is, but it can
even be people from here.  But it is important that 1) James trust these
persons ultimately and will be willing to grant them more privileges, 2)
that these people are active and visible in the community.  Even patches
these people write themselves should be posted to the openvpn-devel list
(or other another more suitable one).  That way, more eyes can pay
attention and raise awareness if something seems to be wrong or needs to
be discussed.

This part is, IMHO, the most important part to get implemented first.
The rest will basically come as a result of this.

> I think we'd also need to build teams for various
> purposes, e.g. for QA, packaging, different GUI's... this would enable
> easy participation in OpenVPN development, whether you're a coder or
> not. This is something Ubuntu has done pretty well. 

Agreed, but this will need to come a litter bit later on.  IMHO, get the
development cycle in shape then QA and packaging/release engineering
must come immediately afterwords.  QA can most probably be done in
cooperation with the bigger Linux distributors as well.  The Fedora
community is working hard on a big testing framework called Beaker,
which is aimed at automatic testing of software.  (I even think Beaker
might support Windows testing in the future as well, but I have not
checked it out)  Other distroes might have similar systems as well.  The
important thing is to make use of what is already existing.

Before a proper automated testing is in place, having a written and
publicly available "How to QA test" documentation is needed.  What
should be tested and how.  Define different testing phases (Tier-1,
Tier-2, etc) and what these testing phases needs to include.  Getting
involved in test testing part will require some development knowledge,
but not in-depth details of OpenVPN.

Another topic which is needed to be included is documentation.  This
would be to organise the documentation and make sure all features are
documented, review documentation to make sure it works as expected etc,
etc.  This part do not necessarily require any coding skills at all.

> Currently we're
> lacking basic community services (e.g. forums, trackers, wiki,
> [sub]project hosting), but we're working on that. However I think the
> basic development model should be agreed upon before building any services.

Forums and wikis exists, even though unofficial ones.  But all these
services are also available via sourceforge.net as well.  Anyhow, I
agree this is not so urgent.

What I do see as much more urgent is actually a better distributed
VCS/RCS.  I believe SVN is used now - but I don't recall where I found
the URL for it (and I have lost now, I believe).  There's also a rather
outdated CVS tree on sourceforge.net.  This needs to be cleaned up, and
a publicly available source tree must be made available.

I'm tracking OpenVPN releases by importing the source tar balls into my
own git tree, to be sure I can update my OpenVPN patch quick and
efficient.  But I'd like to do this based on a publicly available source
tree, which is tagged with the releases packaged and made available.  I
don't care too much what it is, but I hope it will not be anything worse
than SVN (like CVS).  But if another more modern and proper DVCS is
chosen, I'd applaud that!

The model I've suggested above, will work very well with git.  But I
know choosing/changing VCS is almost as brutal as a religion war, which
I don't want to neither support nor trigger.  But I do believe a better
DVCS (than CVS or SVN) is needed for this to work more flawlessly and
efficient, no matter what DVCS is chosen.  I just hope it will be an
Open Source based one.

And if James don't want to change it, fine! Just make SVN URLs publicly
and easily available.  Anyhow, when starting on the next version when
2.1 is finally released, it is a good time to at least consider the options.

kind regards,

David Sommerseth
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