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On 12/12/09 12:37, Samuli Seppänen wrote:
> Now, if we want to maintain stability, we need some way to test the
> patches. Automated tests could be used in many cases but building the
> test cases takes time. In addition I don't think automated tests catch
> nearly all problems, so manual testing is required. I'm not a specialist
> in VCS systems but I guess a distributed VCS could help in this. What
> are your thoughts on the testing procedures/tools? Fedora's Beaker suite
> was mentioned earlier and it sounds interesting.

Let's first give a little introduction of Beaker, so that nobody
believes it is something exceptionally which solves all the problems.

First of all Beaker is being built up now, it is quite a big project
consisting of a lot of modules which will communicate together.  I'm not
sure how far things are in the overall project, but I'll give a little
intro here about the concept.  Otherwise, beware that crucial modules of
Beaker might not be ready yet.

A Beaker installation is a big installation.  It is aimed at
automatically testing software on a broad variety of distributions and
provide a report of how that test ran.  And you will most probably need
quite some hardware to get this up and running.

First, Beaker have an inventory module.  Here hosts are registered into
a database with information about hardware and supported OS and
distributions.  Then there is a scheduler, which receives requests for
running particular tests (aka jobs).  The job scheduler then uses the
inventory to pick out the best suited boxes which are available to run
the test(s) on.  The inventory is then instructed by the job scheduler
to do a scratch installation of an assigned OS/distribution.  As a part
of this OS installation, it will install the defined test scripts on the
box, run all the tests, collect the results and release the box back to
the inventory again.

I know the inventory part is pretty much up'n'running, and I believe the
job scheduler is getting more and more ready.  (It's a while since I
checked that status) ... so this needs to be checked out.  But as you
see, some hardware is needed, even though I believe Beaker do (or at
least will in the future) support virtual hosts as well.  Then the test
script given to the job scheduler will define who each of the virtual
hosts will be installed as well.

The good thing about the Beaker framework is that you usually just need
to install a few packages on your own local box to develop and run the
test scripts locally.  When the script is ready, it's packaged and sent
to the tests repository in Beaker.  So it is also possible to run Beaker
in a very small scale for test development.

You can also browse the test repository via web, and ask for certain
tests to be run.  The test script defines which packages is needed to
run the test, and the software being tested needs to be put into a
special repository, where the script will download and install the
package, as a part of the test run.

There's also features like multi-host tests, where more hosts are
involved to run one single test, to test communication between hosts,
etc.  So this is the direction Beaker is headed.

So, back to the topic ... some of these things might already have been
thought of by the QA team and might even be implemented.  But as I don't
know how the OpenVPN team does the QA work, I'll share my thoughts here
... how I see the "perfect" world :)

Anyhow, you can use such an infrastructure as Beaker to test patches, as
you vaguely indicated, Samuli.  But Beaker is usually much more suitable
for testing an already compiled and packaged piece of software before
shipment.  But of course, it's all scripts, and it can also download
source code and compile it too.  But I'm not sure how well it will
perform under these conditions, it might be better with another approach.

However, I would recommend a setup which only a few of the developers
James will cooperate closely with, including James, will have access to.
 This setup will do a build of the source code at a given commit, and
run a standard test suite, aimed at the first stage of the development
cycle.  This should test for compilation issues (including warnings) and
report them to the developers.  It should run openvpn in a few different
modes, with different options to test generic functionality.  It might
support different test modes, so that the test script will take between
5 minutes and 30 minutes, it might even be a few different tests with
different run times.  This is only aimed at giving a quick indication on
how well the code is running.

Then when much more commits have been collected, a preliminary package
can be compiled and sent to a Beaker setup.  The tests here can be much
more comprehensive, and ideally should test all options and
configuration modes of OpenVPN.  One test should also be a performance
tests, which reports the results to a database for tracking the
performance.  That way, you'll be able to pin-point regressions over
time.  These Beaker tests may take many hours to run.  But with the
tracking, you'll get a good overview over what fails and what works, and
how well it works.

Even though it should be a restricted access to the job scheduler for
the tests, the reports from it should be available to the community.
This way developers in the community can follow how the testing is done
and give feedback if something is wrong with the tests or OpenVPN.  In
addition, if the test scripts are available for the community, it can
help out improving and providing new test scripts.  With such an open
approach, the community will also be involved in the QA work.

But I do realise, such a setup is not too easy to acquire.  It requires
hardware, and a lot of work to come this far.  But I do believe this is
one (of many) reasonable ways to automate tests and to make sure OpenVPN
will continue to stay as a stable product.  And in the long run, it
might help reducing the workload key-persons in the OpenVPN team may have.

That's probably enough thoughts for today :)

kind regards,

David Sommerseth
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