
Am 04.06.2014 16:05, schrieb Holger Kummert:
Is this used - and thus tested - by you only, or is it used by UTM
customers?  (This would give us confidence that it's tested by a larger
user base, and those tend to uncover issues :-) ).

Well, I thought I let it pass through the review process of the group
first before pushing it to customers.
But if it would help the review we could do it the other way
round and give it to customers first.
No problem.

in the meantime I got feedback from a customer who successfully tested both patches.
His environment is Win7 on client side, and Win2012R2 on server side.

I also tested the implementation against a Win2003R2 server successfully
(this server used utf8-encoding and NTLMv2sec, too). The client was
a Win7 Ultimate with SP1.

So we know now that the NTLM-patches work against Win2003R2, Win2008R2,
Win2012R2 and squid (the latter was reported by David Woodhouse).


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