
On Fri, Oct 30, 2015 at 03:07:47PM +0100, Holger Kummert wrote:
> Am 30.10.2015 um 14:58 schrieb Steffan Karger:
> > Seems I forgot the * before the second msg_bufpos, sorry.  msg_bufpos
> > itself is a pointer indeed, but *msg_bufpos is (used as) an offset
> > into msg_buf:
> >
> >     memcpy(&msg_buf[*msg_bufpos], data, msg_buf[sb_offset]);
> >
> > msg_bufpos (without the *) is not related to msg_buf.
> Ah, then your first proposal makes sense
> (i.e. if (msg_buflen - length < *msg_bufpos) )
> We could take that.

So, how do we move onward here?  Holger, can you send a new patch (set) 
incorporating Steffan's comments?

Since we found a proper reviewer now, merging this looks possible, after
all the time... ;-)


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