Am 30.10.2015 um 14:58 schrieb Steffan Karger:
Hi Holger,

On Fri, Oct 30, 2015 at 2:34 PM, Holger Kummert
<> wrote:
    static void
-add_security_buffer(int sb_offset, void *data, int length, unsigned char 
*msg_buf, int *msg_bufpos)
+add_security_buffer(int sb_offset, void *data, int length, unsigned char 
*msg_buf, int *msg_bufpos, int msg_buflen)
+  if ((*msg_bufpos - *msg_buf) + length > msg_buflen) {
+    msg (M_INFO, "Warning: Not enough space in destination buffer");
+    return;
+  }

I don't think this is what you intended, or does *msg_buf contain some
magic length field?  You probably want something like:

     ASSERT (length > 0 && *msg_bufpos > 0 && msg_buflen > 0);
     if (msg_buflen - length < msg_bufpos) { /* error */ }

That should be an integer-overflow safe overflow check.

Hmm, I think it won't work as msg_bufpos is a pointer into memory, right?
What about improving the first version with

    ASSERT (length > 0 && *msg_bufpos > 0 && msg_buflen > 0);
    if ((msg_bufpos - msg_buf) + length > msg_buflen) {

Seems I forgot the * before the second msg_bufpos, sorry.  msg_bufpos
itself is a pointer indeed, but *msg_bufpos is (used as) an offset
into msg_buf:

    memcpy(&msg_buf[*msg_bufpos], data, msg_buf[sb_offset]);

msg_bufpos (without the *) is not related to msg_buf.

Ah, then your first proposal makes sense
(i.e. if (msg_buflen - length < *msg_bufpos) )

We could take that.

Sry, didn't look into the ntlm-code ...


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