On 2/8/18 5:01 AM, Mirja Kuehlewind (IETF) wrote:
> Without any judgement, this is an informational document, so it does
> not necessarily need to have IETF consensus for publication.

Generally I'm in favor of being pretty relaxed about informational
documents that describe a real thing in the world, but for better
or worse this document is taking the form of a position statement
and I think needs to reflect that position more accurately.  The
use of the word "consensus" here set my teeth on edge a bit as
we've never had a consensus call specifically on what EKR is
asserting as consensus.  That said, as Randy points out we've got
consensus on a few other documents about encryption and privacy
and I do think that EKR is correct about the overall sense of the
IETF.  Consensus-is-not-voting but it's my very strong impression
that the position being argued in this draft is a minority viewpoint
and I don't think it should be published as-is.


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