thus Hannah Schroeter spake:


On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 05:52:08AM +0200, Timo Schoeler wrote:

So am I, running a middle node. However, for months now I'm thinking of
reverting it to an exit node as the situation that everyone runs a
middle node, but no one dares to run an exit node just lets TOR die.

Hidden services will run very fine with only middleman and bridge nodes.

that's true, for sure. However, we create a parallel world doing this. From a metaphysical POV (IMHO), TOR is (partly) existing to defend civil rights. But to be able to do this, it must exist not only in a 'parallel world'. Losing connection to 'this world' (today's internet) would mean to lose the 'war'.



Kind regards,


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