Title: Connect sys/[EMAIL PROTECTED] as sysdba & E-Business suite

Hi All,

I have seen some weird behaviour and must have been searching in the wrong places.

When logging in to a 9i RAC environment using the syntax sys/[EMAIL PROTECTED] as sysdba it works fine at the primary instance but reports invalid username/password at the secondary instance.

Is this "normal" behaviour?

When connecting to an e-business suite(11.5.9?) database I noticed that my sessions (ODBC & SQL*Plus) were executing the suites portal login procedure.In fact all connections did this.

Also my ODBC connection timed out on tables owned by a none suite schema.

Is there a database logon trigger on e-business suite that forces every connection through the suites security mechanism or something?

(I have never worked with e-business so I know nothing about it, I just installed some monitor tools repository in this database and could not get to the data)



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