Title: Connect sys/[EMAIL PROTECTED] as sysdba & E-Business suite
Are you sure that you have correct password file in second instance?
Maybe you're using wrong password (or do not have pwdfile) buf on first instance you just belong to os DBA group, thus you can log on using whatever password you provide.
If you access your data using ODBC, which username do you use? Is it APPS? Afaik there is no restricting logon trigger in apps, at least up to 11.5.7 there isn't. Try to execute the exact query manually under same user first, to see whether the timeout problem comes from database or ODBC driver.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 11:29 AM
Subject: Connect sys/[EMAIL PROTECTED] as sysdba & E-Business suite

Hi All,

I have seen some weird behaviour and must have been searching in the wrong places.

When logging in to a 9i RAC environment using the syntax sys/[EMAIL PROTECTED] as sysdba it works fine at the primary instance but reports invalid username/password at the secondary instance.

Is this "normal" behaviour?

When connecting to an e-business suite(11.5.9?) database I noticed that my sessions (ODBC & SQL*Plus) were executing the suites portal login procedure.In fact all connections did this.

Also my ODBC connection timed out on tables owned by a none suite schema.

Is there a database logon trigger on e-business suite that forces every connection through the suites security mechanism or something?

(I have never worked with e-business so I know nothing about it, I just installed some monitor tools repository in this database and could not get to the data)



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