Hi Luca,

Thanks for your response.

- I'm running on Digital Ocean, 2 core 2 gig version. 
- Around 1500 mb.
- What kind of swap do you mean? On an OS level?

Thanks for the help!

On Friday, April 8, 2016 at 5:39:06 PM UTC+10, l.garulli wrote:
> Hi Erik,
> If OrientDB dies with no log, it means the OS killed it. The most common 
> reason is the out of memory.
> Look at: 
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/726690/who-killed-my-process-and-why
> A few questions for you:
>    - How much physical RAM do you have on that server and
>    - How much is available before you start OrientDB server?
>    - Did you configure any swap for your server?
> Best Regards,
> Luca Garulli
> Founder & CEO
> OrientDB <http://orientdb.com/>
> On 8 April 2016 at 09:34, Luigi Dell'Aquila <luigi.de...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Hi Erik,
>> It's hard to give you an answer here, this is the first report we have 
>> from a system that crashes without emitting any logs at all.
>> In other cases, when we had an unexpected crash with few information, it 
>> was because of some OS related procedures (eg. process kill under heavy 
>> load), but also in that case we had a log stating that the server was 
>> killed.
>> Could you please share your logs? Maybe we will find some hints in the 
>> history
>> Thanks
>> Luigi
>> 2016-04-08 2:18 GMT+02:00 Erik Pragt <erik....@gmail.com <javascript:>>:
>>> Btw, running OrientDB 2.1.9.
>>> On Friday, April 8, 2016 at 10:05:33 AM UTC+10, Erik Pragt wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> As the question title suggests, our OrientDB database crashed today. We 
>>>> got notified by our monitoring server that our sites aren't accepting any 
>>>> requests anymore, which was quickly traced to OrientDB being unavailable, 
>>>> i.e., not running anymore.
>>>> However, when checking the logs (orientdb.err/orientdb.log), there was 
>>>> no indication at all of any crash. What can I do to investigate this 
>>>> issue, 
>>>> and, even better, prevent OrientDB from crashing again? This isn't the 
>>>> first time OrientDB crashes, but usually it's with an OutOfMemory 
>>>> exception, which we fixed(?) by giving it more memory. Currently, the DB 
>>>> hardly does anything (1 request per 10 seconds?), and we're a bit worried 
>>>> that once we do get some requests, that OrientDB might crash more often.
>>>> Our current settings to run OrientDB look like this:
>>>> ORIENTDB_SETTINGS="-Dprofiler.enabled=true"
>>>> JAVA_OPTS_SCRIPT="-Djna.nosys=true -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError 
>>>> -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 -Drhino.opt.level=9"
>>>> # ORIENTDB MAXIMUM HEAP. USE SYNTAX -Xmx<memory>, WHERE <memory> HAS 
>>>> MAXHEAP=-Xmx1024m
>>>> -Dstorage.diskCache.bufferSize=8192 FOR 8GB
>>>> MAXDISKCACHE="-Dstorage.diskCache.bufferSize=8192"
>>>> If we need to provide some more information, please let me know.
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>> Erik Pragt
>>> -- 
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