On 10/10/2012 1:35 AM, Sy Chen wrote:
I do really appreciate what OrigamiUSA has done for this digital
diagram store channel. All of the people involved deserve our big
kudos. (snip)

  It would be great to see the origami sharing go to a more positive, 
appreciative, and
inspiring direction.

Thank you, Sy. You expressed my opinions exactly.

I have not uploaded anything either, having been put off by the some of the hawkish opinions expressed in this thread.

To me, a set of origami diagrams by anybody else that winds up in my hands is for my personal FOLDING enjoyment. Nothing else. If I want to use the diagrams to teach or for a project - whether commercial or otherwise, I make it a point to ask the author/designer for his her expressed permission. If for any reason the author/designer cannot be reached or does not give his/her consent, I will simply not use the that origami model/piece/design. If I am unable to design a suitable origami model/piece/design myself, there are usually lots of alternatives out there.

I must add that through the many years of my involvement in origami, I have yet to be denied permission by another origami author/designer, including some of the authors/designers in the forefront of world origami.

There used to be a time when the unwritten rule and a matter of courtesy is to write to the respective authors/designers for permission to teach or use their models/pieces/designs for anything more than your personal folding enjoyment. I have received and acceded to numerous requests myself. I take such requests as a mark of appreciation for my work, and appreciate the respect shown by the writers in asking for permission.

I personally find it degrading if I have to spell out the exact conditions under which my diagrams/models/pieces/designs may be used, especially in the knowledge that there will be people who will choose to micro-interpret the wording of the conditions to suit their own purposes. This is no better than those who disregard the any and all conditions outright.

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