I do really appreciate what OrigamiUSA has done for this digital
diagram store channel. All of the people involved deserve our big

As one of the designers, I do feel the need to express my opinion
about this topic. Although the store model is similar to the current
iTune/Amazon online music store. the content material and market has
huge differences. The diagram is the instruction of folding a model,
not a folded model or implemented art piece by particular artist. The
better analogy to music is the music score/script, not a song or
performance. What is the market of selling music script? Can an
origami artist provide a folded piece for sale on the store? It will
be another topic of copyright and royalties.

 If you consider hourly rate and labor of efforts seriously, most of
the prices are low and unjustified (IMHO). The profit can only
compensate part of the labor and time for most of the cases. It is
sill nothing compare to the passion the designer (or author) like to
share. I haven't upload anything for sale yet. It would be great to
see the origami sharing go to a more positive, appreciative, and
inspiring direction.

Happy Folding!

Sy Chen

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