On 13/11/2012 1:11 PM, Dorothy Kaplan wrote:

If a person ever has the nerve to say to me, what can I use Origami for, I immediately tell them that it is the journey, not the arrival that counts. My feeling is that this is applicable to life itself. (snip)

You have clearly stated your personal opinion, which you are duly entitled and have every right to .

Origami has impacted many of us in diverse ways, and each of us may have personal opinions on the positive aspects of origami. Our opinions, however, need not necessarily established fact.

For example, I am of the opinion that origami played - and continue to play - a significant role from my ongoing recovery from the debilitating stroke I had in 2009. However, my opinion is based on personal belief and opinion, not established fact. At least, I am yet to uncover irrefutable, scientific evidence to support my belief.

The statement made by Dave seemed to be phrased as if he was stating an established fact, rather than an opinion. If it is an established fact, it is new to me, and I wished to know the source.

I have no interest in being part of any war of words.


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