For some years I’ve been using a symbol for “repeat behind” which has been 
pointed out to me is non-standard! It’s a fold behind arrow with a dash through 
it (and optionally, as shown right) which steps to 

I’m not sure where my use of this symbol it came from, but I’d be 
very interested to know how other diagrammers tackle this thorny issue?

I’m also torn on the fold/unfold. For years I used a line going to the 
location then returning. more recently, I’ve adopted the single line 
with solid/hollow arrowheads.

This then leaves the issue of where you fold/unfold and it doesn’t 
matter which way, such as an initial diagonal. Here, both arrowheads are 
conventionally solid. Is this wasting a symbol and possibly adding an 
extra level of confusion? Should I always use “one end hollow”?
I’m losing sleep on this – your thoughts welcomed!

Read this with associated images on my blog

Nick Robinson

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origami fun

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