A year or two ago I ran across the second spinner and it is, indeed, by 
Taichiro Hasegawa. It can be made as a two-piece “Lotus Spinner,” which is made 
to spin by blowing down on it from above, or you can add a third piece, a sort 
of handle, which you can then spin by hand.

I don’t remember where I found it, but the diagrams I have are professionally 
done and are credited to Joel Stern and Bennett Arnstein with help from John 

I hope this helps,

Judith Powell

> On Sep 2, 2019, at 12:22 PM, Gerardo @neorigami.com <gera...@neorigami.com> 
> wrote:
> I sent a message on August 26 asking for the name of two models and of
> their creators. These are the models:
> https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/ZXtvbOtlYacIb-14WBvNogznzaLdAkxeckHHgKrbHpLzNRT51Yd7UwYPh1OFttHe0EIlL0E6RBSuL3yHxVjHTwCW0n2q4qfa-gZJPTF42Gy-KYtzaSQhH_T371Buv_XBvDQCWtYKdw=w2400
> https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/HX13ob2iEnhKk8QP1f3rGaGyOpkdTZ0v9sO6dKBYftuYt_QRR3bCz9klpvdIihjf8XrPF_l9Za40jqeXmJneTsmlBS-kZB10Y3Bk21QomVY7LPJyJpwgIdLCtIrDRUaGzEAO07J6XA=w2400
> A fellow member answered in private and told me that she has seen the one
> that looks like a pencil holder in Korean publications, but didn't tell me
> anything more about it. Might someone here own a Korean book that shows
> this model? If so, would you please tell me what name those it show and who
> appears as its creator?
> About the other model, in my previous message I included the following
> quote: "a variation by Reiko Aso of the Blooming Flower by Taichiro Hasegawa"
> (quoting Kathy Knapp). I had forgotten to add the source's URL; it's this
> one: https://www.origami-resource-center.com/3-piece-spinning-top.html
> Might one of you know if Kathy is right or not?
> If you guys prefer, you can answer in private to my email address:
> gerardo(a)neorigami.com
> Thank you in advance : )
> Gerardo
> gerardo(a)neorigami.com

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