> Den 30. mar. 2020 kl. 23.52 skrev Laura R <lauraroz...@gmail.com>:
> My experience, as I said, has been the opposite. [...]
> It’s like browsing the book page by page and the text, pictures and diagrams 
> are in the same position as in the paper book. 
> [...]
> Perhaps the starting point made a difference? 
>> In particular eBooks do not handle pictures well at all. For example Kindle 
>> Create, Amazon's app for editing an eBook to get it 'right' is particularly 
>> poor at handling images at all - it even gives you an apology!

To me it sounds like the difference between trying to get a reflowable book and 
to keep the page layout. The first is what many people think are "e-books", 
your typical fiction literature readable and reflowable on anything from a 
large tablet to a small smartphone. 

But for comics and other books with lots of illustrations, like indeed origami 
books, it is usually better to keep the page oriented layout. I read convention 
books and Origami Design Secrets and ... solely on a tablet. These books are 
pdf based and are published in a page layout. No attempts to make them 
reflowable, and it woorks very well, at least for me.

And Laura indeed writes that the layout is preserved whereas Damian wrote "The 
issue is in the 'reflowing' quality of an eBook, where nothing is set in stone. 

Keep the page layout, and both you, your readers, and the book will be 
perfectly fine.

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