Hi all,

I'm stuck with an issue that should be extremely simple, but anyway I don't get 

- How is running the default Lighting Mode set in osgViewer ? 
That class contains an osg::Light _light member that is instanciated but I can 
find anywhere its linking to the scene graph !?
- What is the difference between HEADLIGHT and SKY_LIGHT ?
The question is raised because I don't see indeed the _light member use...
- Isn't it strange that osgViewer::setLightingMode(NO_LIGHT) doesn't unref and 
free the _light member ?
The default is HEADLIGHT when the users instanciates his osgViewer : if right 
after he chooses setLightingMode(NO_LIGHT) before calling run(), _light is 
allocated even if it is not in use...
- How can I deactivate the lighting set by default by the osgViewer ?
I've been trying :

osgViewer::Viewer viewer(arguments);
viewer.addEventHandler(new osgViewer::XXXHandler);

osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> loadedModel = osgDB::readNodeFiles(arguments);

viewer.setLight(NULL); // <1>
viewer.setLightingMode(NO_LIGHT);  // <2>
osg::StateAttribute::OFF); // <3>

viewer.setSceneData( root.get() );

<1>, <2> or <3> seems to be of no use , the default lighting coming with 
osgViewer adds itself to the one contained in my scene (loadedModel), which 
harass me to debug my scene content...

Any help or explanation would be great, maybe I missed something obvious...?

Christophe Médard
Société OKTAL (http://www.oktal.fr)
2 impasse Boudeville
31100 Toulouse (France)
Tél. : (+33) 5 62 11 50 10
Fax : (+33) 5 62 11 50 29
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