
Recently I've discovered this as well, that in some circumstances (see 
the thread about 'loosing textures') texture unit 1 can be left active 
when 1 viewer is drawn, just prior to drawing a second viewer. And this 
can cause effects like I described. I don't know why this is done so.

What exactly did you change?

Best regards,

DC Fennell wrote:
> Hello,
> I am curious as to why OSG never resets glActiveTexture or 
> glClientActiveTexture back to GL_TEXTURE0 after usage. In my opinion, 
> this should always be done. Specifically since glClientActiveTexture 
> is set quite often in display lists.
> As a test, I modified osg and osgUtil to reset these states back to 
> GL_TEXTURE0 after any usage of glActiveTexture and glClientActiveTexture.
> With this change, all my known issues went away.
> Was there a specific reason why these states are not reset? Or am I 
> just doing it wrong?
> Thanks.
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