I don't know if it matters in this case or not but on WinXP I had a 
problem with spaces in paths.  If I put OSG into a directly with a space 
in it and then added that directory to my path: I would be able to run 
osgviewer.exe but it would fail to find any of the DLLs.  Moving it to a 
directory without a space fixed it.

At the time, I couldn't find anything to make it work... but I didn't 
try very hard either (since I had a work-around).  It seemed like DLL 
resolution was done differently than exe path resolution.

I could have been out of my mind, too.

Mike Weiblen wrote:
> Interesting, thanks for the data.  This is exactly the kind of situation
> I had intended my installer would solve, this is good feedback.
> fyi, the osgDB library explicitly does the loading of the osgdb_*.dll
> plugins, which is why there aren't problems finding and the plugins are
> found in their magic directory, etc.  At issue is how the dependencies
> pulled in by the Windows runtime linker are found and loaded.
> (some backstory: this pathing garbage is all due to the licensing of the
> MS redist libraries.  Other dependency libraries don't limit how they're
> put in the filesystem, so they can be located whereever's convenient.
> The MS runtime redist requires their subdirectory structure and naming
> be preserved. :-P)
> I'd really like to understand the root cause here, so the installer will
> Just Work.  A couple more questiions:
> - this isn't Vista, is it?
> - exactly what's the machine config? (which OS, SP, etc?  32/64 bit?
> Is/was VS ever installed, which version?)
> - are you installing as admin or not?  
> - are you running as admin or not?
> - where is OSG being installed?  on a UNC share?  
> The official MS-sanctioned sure-fire solution is to run the redist
> installer to put the runtime libs in the public shared assembly
> directory:
> C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio
> 8\SDK\v2.0\BootStrapper\Packages\vcredist_x86\vcredist_x86.exe
> That will require admin permission, but should bypass the whole private
> assembly pathing issue.  If that doesn't work, there're bigger issues
> afoot.
> cheers
> -- mew
>> -----Original Message-----
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
>> Of Will Sistar
>> Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2007 4:55 PM
>> To: OpenSceneGraph Users
>> Subject: Re: [osg-users] DynamicLibrary::failed loading
>> Well, here is what I have done so far.  
>> I used Depends and found that it couldn't find the two 
>> microsoft dir, so I added that to my path as you mentioned.
>> (still didn't work)
>> Uninstalled OSG and then reinstalled making sure to add the 
>> environment variables to the registry. (I believe I did 
>> before)  Ran osgShell without any modifications and found 
>> that it does in fact add %OSG_PATH% to the front of the 
>> system path with the same directories listed as Mike 
>> previously mentioned. 
>> Tried "osgviewer cow.osg" again and it still didn't work.
>> What is interesting is that when I manually load it doesn't 
>> prepend the "osgPlugins-2.2.0" to the filename and it finds 
>> and uses it with no problems.  If I type in "osgviewer -l 
>> osgPlugins-2.2.0/osgdb_osg.dll cow.osg" it finds the file but 
>> still says it fails to load.  If it were a dependency problem 
>> wouldn't it have a problem loading the dll regardless of how 
>> it found it?  I am not saying it isn't a PATH issue but it 
>> always seems to find the file, it just fails when it is 
>> anywhere other than the \bin dir.  I tried putting it in the 
>> \system32 directory and try to manually load it and it finds 
>> it there but fails to load.  
>> It works on one of my home pc just not my work one.
>> Mike, this is where I started with setting up my env 
>> variables.  I think I may have entered one of them wrong 
>> before which is why I removed everything and started over.  I 
>> then checked them against what you had in your email and they 
>> matched. 
>> http://www.openscenegraph.org/projects/osg/wiki/Support/Gettin
>> gStarted    step 4. and
>> http://www.openscenegraph.org/projects/osg/wiki/Support/Platfo
>> rmSpecifics/VisualStudio 
>> <http://www.openscenegraph.org/projects/osg/wiki/Support/Platf
>> ormSpecifics/VisualStudio>     Environment Variables
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