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Hi Robert,

Robert Osfield wrote:
> An external script that invokes the 3D app only works when entering an
> application, not once its running, so it does have a bit of limited
> applicability.

I understand that, however, how often do you need to change resolution
once the application is running? If it is needed only once when starting
it, then it is not a problem.

> You can always make the app called and the path application/user
> definable with a sensible default for each platform one doesn't need
> to hard wire it - if a platform doesn't have anything sensible then
> you'd just have a blank app string and would therefore not call the
> res changing app.

That could work, but I am not sure whether it is actually worth the
trouble - the original poster only wanted to change the resolution
before starting the application, not during runtime, so this could be an
overkill. Perhaps a poll to figure out whether this is a one-off request
or a more general issue would be a good thing to do.

> BTW, I'm just trying to explore possible solutions here.

I see. I would say that a most future-proof solution would be to
implement support for the RandR extension

This is now supported by everything running X.Org X servers (Linux,
various BSDs), however proprietary Unix doesn't support it (SGI, Sun,
HP). I am not sure whether that would be a significant issue or not.
However, it is not 100% foolproof solution, because not all drivers
support it (ATI and nVidia do, though).



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