
I am also very surprised to see that use of index arrays/buffer objects 
impacts performance. Is this a limitation of OSG or OpenGL ? I always 
thought that Hardware Vertex Buffer  + Hardware Index Buffer should be the 
best performing scenario.

I just checked GPU_Programming_Guide on NVidia Developer site and found 
following excerpt in Chapter 3 General GPU Performance Tips:

3.3 Vertex Shader

3.3.1 Use Indexed Primitive Calls

Using indexed primitive calls allows the GPU to take advantage of its 
post-transform-and-lighting vertex cache. If it sees a vertex it's already 
transformed, it doesn't transform it a second time-it simply uses a cached 

It seems to contradict what Robert said...


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Thibault Genessay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "OpenSceneGraph Users" <osg-users@lists.openscenegraph.org>
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2008 11:28 AM
Subject: Re: [osg-users] VBO

> Hi all,
> I know this is slightly off-topic, but if some of you have 5 minutes
> to waste, please read on :)
> I just take the occasion to ask a question regarding Robert's latest 
> comment:
>> So if you want fast paths absolutely never ever ever used vertex
>> indices.   Vertex indices are there in the OSG purely for backwards
>> compatibility and are not something I'd recommend usage today.
> Acknowledged. Now, what is the preferred way to render triangle
> strip-based geometries where all strips are parallel and share an edge
> ? Should we duplicate all common vertices ? e.g. I have a 1080 * 31
> patch, rendered as 30 tri strips (basically, it's a 3D plot). I use
> indexed rendering so I have 33480 vertices. Now if I want to switch to
> "fast-path", does it mean I'm going to need 2*1080*30 = 64800 vertices
> ?
> Given the amount of info for each vertex (color, texcoords, ...) this
> seems a pretty big memory impact to me (and if the T&L has to be
> performed again, it can also be a slowdown, can't it ?). I am no
> cutting-edge 3D expert so please forgive my ignorance.
> Happy new year to everyone,
> Thibault
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