On Jan 16, 2008 10:10 AM, Felix Bwire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What I mean is that I have a network dataset.

What do you mean by a network dataset?

Local network?  Internet?

Imagery?  Terrain?  3D models?  What formats????

>I believe it first has to be
> stored in the osg database before it can be dispalyed in osg.

The OSG has a net plugin for reading files over http, your can load
various formats, but the most efficient would the native .ive binary

> Or is there
> any other way I can be able to load this into osg. The main aim is that I
> want to be able to display this dataset in osg and make use of the
> functionality offered by osg in viewing it.

Almost all the OSG examples load data, its a single line of code :
osgDB::readNodeFIle(filename), constructing a viewer is just a couple
of lines of code as well.  Its all in the examples.

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