On Jan 17, 2008 11:22 PM, Bob Huebert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is a z-screen which applies polarization filtering on a stereoscopic
> image (frame) pair. The z-screen portion is easily replicated on a
> computer display with osg. Now if we only had a stereoscopic movieplayer
> plugin for osg... :}  -bob

The OSG's been doing sterescopic movies for about 5 years... ;-)

First up you render the left eye/right eye movie streams into a single
side by side movie.  Then use two textured quads one for the left eye
one for the right, then use a left eye/right eye cull mask to pick out
each quad for each eye.  Then you just share the same texture with its
movie attached, and tex coords to select the appropriate half.

If you want to see code that does this then go look at Present3D (an
OSG based 3D presentation tool), it's xml format directly supports
side by side stereo movies.


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