Hi J-S,

Yes, geometry shaders would be a must for these (and also for subdivision
surfaces). I'd be interested in contributing to these (time permitting, you
know that...), although I first have to catch up with OSG.
Thank you!


On Feb 11, 2008 10:29 PM, Jean-Sébastien Guay <

> Hello Raphael,
> Welcome! Hope you enjoy your time working with OSG, and the community
> around it!
> > - OpenGL selection buffer seems not recommended as a way of picking in
> > OSG, explicit primitive intersections are used instead. Could someone
> > please comment on this (why...)?
> I'll let others answer this one, I don't know myself. I have always
> found OpenGL selection buffers cumbersome to use, but with a good
> wrapper it should be possible to make something that works well and is
> easy to use I imagine. So I don't know why that was not done.
> > - Support for parametric curves / surfaces (Bezier, NURBs and the
> > likes). Are there any plan to support this directly (through GLU or
> > other), or should I export those as polygonal data instead?
> I would like to eventually help in adding support for parametric curves
> and surfaces in OSG. I have used the GLU interface before and would have
> used that as the first step, followed by an implementation using
> Geometry Shaders, with the ability to select the implementation you want
> to use at runtime and a fallback mechanism. I think it would be really
> cool to support that. But I haven't gotten to it thus far... :-(
> If you want to start doing something in this direction, I will be glad
> to test and comment. And search the archives, there was a discussion
> related to this not too long ago, so there was obviously interest in this.
> Hope that helps, and again welcome.
> J-S
> --
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> Jean-Sebastien Guay    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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