 Since the change I suggest is very small from what JP has implemented I
don't submit files here just the differences:

I removed getDrawBuffers and setDrawBuffers from the Camera.cpp / h

In RenderStage the changes are as follows:
RanderStage //.h
Added vector of GLEnum named _drawBuffers.

In function runCameraSetUp, before the attachments loop (line 245)
In the loop, add at the start of the loop the few lines:

                if(itr->first >= COLOR_BUFFER0 && itr->first <=
                        _drawBuffers.push_back(itr->first -

And removed the line JP added (about line 404)

                // set up draw buffers if using multiple render targets
                osg::Camera::DrawBufferVector& cam_buffers =
                for (osg::Camera::DrawBufferVector::iterator buf =
                     buf != cam_buffers.end();
_drawBuffers.push_back(GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT+(*buf -

Then in function drawInner, in the second line JP wrote:

    bool using_multiple_render_targets = !(_drawBuffers.empty());

I changed it to
    bool using_multiple_render_targets = (_drawBuffers.size() > 1);

That's all the changes. So if JP can check it (I have a mess of OSG1.2
and OSG2.3 code) then you can decide what to submit.

Now after the follow up discussion of the matter, it still won't be a
complete solution. I think in the setUpCamera code, the render stage
should run custom visitor on the camera and it's sub-graphs that checks
for nodes requests for MRT, for the camera it would be the color
attachments, and for nodes, whatever data that could be implemented in
the StateAttribute, that later would mapped to Color Attachment, and
only after collecting all the requests and having all the attachments
that will be used, the RenderStage will set up the _drawBuffers as
implemented above.
This is more complicated to implement and since I'm not very good with
visitors I can only suggest a pseudo code to write in the renderstage
setUpCamera before the _drawBuffers initialization (about line 245)
something like this should happen:

RTTVisitor rttVS;


_drawBuffers = rttVS.getDrawBuffers();

And remove the code that push_back stuff to the _drawBuffers.

Now the RTTVisitor apply methods should be something like
Apply(Camera& cam)
   Foreach attachment in AttachmentBuffers
        If( COLOR_BUFFER0 <= attachment <= COLOR_BUFFER7)
        _drawBuffers.pushback(attachment - COLOR_BUFFER0 +


This is what should implemented and I'm not sure how
Apply(Node& node)
   Foreach attachment in Node.GetStateAtrributeMRTStuff
        If( COLOR_BUFFER0 <= attachment <= COLOR_BUFFER7(
_drawBuffers.pushback(attachment - COLOR_BUFFER0 +

What do you think? Will that give a full solution? I think that this way
even if the MRT code is down there somewhere at some node, the camera
will be set correctly, the fixed pipeline will render to COLOR_BUFFER0
and the specific node with the shader can render what it wants to what
buffer it wants.

Is that what Art ment?

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