Hi Erland,

Would it not be possible just to use osgViewer rather than SceneView.
One of the points of osgViewer is that it provides more higher level
functionality that users commonly require, and in doing so avoid the
pain of end users having to implement themselves, and the pain
involved in trying to communicate all the low level details required
to teach a 3rd party how to implement something already implemented
for them.


On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 8:49 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want to pick osg objects in the scene when pressing the mouse button on
> them.  I am using sceneView so i guess i cant use the osgViewer::View.
> computeIntersections and i
> did not find PickVisitor! Im using osg 2.3.7. So i guess i have to use
> IntersectVisitor. Is there a utility function for getting a line from camera
> towards mouse position. Or do i: camera.pos - gluUnproject screen to world
> erlend
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