Hi Paul,

On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 10:18 AM, Paul Melis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Looking at that example I see that swapbuffers has to be called manually
>  in this case, but I fail to find the place in the source where Viewer
>  checks if it is running embedded and therefore doesn't have to call
>  swapbuffers itself. Can you give a hint where this is?

osgViewer::Viewer/CompositeViewer don't check to see if the graphics
window is an embedded one, they just assume its not, and go ahead and
call makeCurrent and swapBuffers on the graphics window.  In the case
of GraphicsWindowEmbedded these are non ops, since they nothing about
the actual graphics context, only the app does they can't do anything
but non ops.   This does sound like a bit of recipe for disaster...
but, as long as the app is running the viewer with single context and
single threaded and does the makeCurrent and swapBuffers as required
in its own code everything works.

GraphicsWindowEmbedded is really just a an adapter that fools
osgViewer into behaving more like osgUtil::SceneView, just a far more
capable version that supports events, event handlers, camera
manipulators, database paging, all with the same API as the fullblown
osgViewer base apps.  This makes it much simpler to migrate to a full
scalable OSG app just a few code changes in the client app.

On of the key points about osgViewer is the ability to unify a full
range of usage models all within the same set of classes, this makes
providing a consistent set of API and functionality across the usage
range, and make it easier to move between different usage styles, and
for me it makes it easier to maintain, document and support.

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