On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 8:55 AM, Jean-Sébastien Guay <

> Hi Philip,
>  The Find modules distributed as part of OSG with CMake search C:/Program
> > Files/OpenSceneGraph/lib at configure time (not sure why).
> >
> Because that's where the Win32 binary installer puts the OSG libs and 3rd
> party libs. It's one of the possible locations where they might be on a
> system.
> Unfortunately on Windows there is no system-wide lib path, so all we can
> do is look in a few possible locations, or hope that the user has defined
> OSG_LIB_PATH. Otherwise, the user will have to manually specify the path to
> each lib.

This is unfortunately bad form and harmful.

If you have the packaged form of the OSG installed:

   1. As the user above experienced, CMake will detect all of these
libraries for you by default and they may not work with your compiler
   2. The dependencies distributed with the packaged form of the OSG may not
be good enough to compile the newer version of the OSG that you download
from the internet.

This hack should probably be removed from the OSG's build system in favor of
having people use Mike's 3rd party dependencies repository directly (which I
thought most people already do anyways?)

Philip Lowman
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