On Wednesday 07 May 2008 11:12, Serge Lages wrote:
> Off course you're right. Let's explain a bit my problem :
> I would like to use the "any" class from the Boost library (
> http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_35_0/doc/html/any.html), but it doesn't
> work with Vec3 or Quat types (but it works with Matrix for example).
> I have this compile error :
> error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall
> osg::Vec3d::Vec3d(class osg::Vec3d const &)"
> That's why I was thinking that it has something to do with the fact that
> Matrix implement its copy constructor and not the Vec3 or Quat classes.
> I've made some tests and actually it only works with classes implementing
> explicitly their copy constructors.
> So should it be possible to add copy constructors to these classes ? :)

Ok, not sure, but I expect this a bug in the c++ compiler.

Anyway, may be Robert will accept a workaround patch for that ...

Greetings and good luck on windows :)


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