Hi Umit,

On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 7:36 PM, ümit uzun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sorry for late reply because of my school exams. I have tried "gdalinfo 
> E020N90.DEM -mm" pattern and result is like this;
>  Min=-9999.000 Max=5483.000   Computed Min/Max=1.000,65535.000
>  Minimum=-9999.000, Maximum=5483.000, Mean=-4412.900, StdDev=5088.600
>  NoData Value=-9999
> The result is showing up  NoDataValue problem like your approach. How can I 
> fix this problem, only solution is using gdal_vrt?

Well it has a NoDataValue, which suggests that VPB should be able to
pick on this values and filter them out - this works normally for most
data sets.  I do wonder of GDAL itself in interpolating values that
include the NoDataValue rather than ignoring.

I don't really have any answers though, I'd need to try out the
problem data first hand.

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