Hi Peter,

What you'll need to do is adjust the viewers Camera's LODScale as you
do the zoom i.e.

  viewer.getCamera()->setLODScale(scale);  // scale = 1.0 is default


On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 8:12 AM, Peter Wraae Marino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi users,
> In our application we are using txp file format from terravista. We have a
> problem when zooming with the camera and level of details. Zooming in our
> application is done by changing the field of view.... and the problem is
> that
> the level of details used by txp is dependent on distance from the camera.
> we don't seem to have any method to change the behavior of the txp lod, so
> what I'm asking is.. does anyone know of any other technique we can use to
> solve this problem?
> regards,
> Peter
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