Hi Robert,

It works ! For reading and writing .osg.

I've done a full osg checkout (version 2.5.5), then I've compiled and tested osg with a modified version of osgviewerQT (only to write .osg file). All works. To be absolutely sure, I've re-compiled and re-executed my osgviewerQT version with osg2.5.0 and once again I have the truncation problem (for reading and writing .osg)

Thanks a lot.


Robert Osfield a écrit :
Hi Johan,

On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 12:07 PM, Robert Osfield
I have now written an osg_atof function and placed this in
src/osgDB/Field.cpp, this is now used in the Field::getFloat methods
that the .osg plugins uses.  This new function always assumes that a
'.' is a decimal place.

Could you do an svn update and let me know if it works fine.

Could you also check the writing to a .osg file as well as loading
existing .osg files.  The .osg plugin already has code to set the
local to classic of the std::stream's used, so in theory it should
work OK, but I'd like confirmation before I tick this problem off as
being solved.

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