Hi Shayne

We too have had some problems with the terrain, but at the moment it seams
to work fine. I have rearly seen any problems with osgviewer but in my
actual application i have had studders etc.

What sort of hardware are you using, I have a 40 gig 12 level database that
renders perfectly on xp. But it seams that the threading scheme chosen on
osgviewer makes a big difference on the timings that can be visualized in
osgviewer as well. Cull pr. camera draw pr. context seams to work the best,
but I guess that depends on the actual setup.

At the moment we are not adding altitude data to the terrain, this has made
a significant difference previously.

Switching from a dual core to a quad core seamed to make a difference as
well, on the dual core we were able to load both cores to 100% this does not
happen on the quad?

Hope some of this helps.


Ralf Stokholm

2008/8/14 Tueller, Shayne R Civ USAF AFMC 519 SMXS/MXDEC <

>  I would like to get some feedback from users that might be rendering OSG
> terrain built with osgdem on Windows XP. Based on previous discussions, I
> understand that the terrain rendering on Windows does not have as good of
> performance as on Linux, however, I'm seeing abysmal frame rates when I'm
> rendering terrain on Windows. The paging performance is horrible. Perhaps
> it's the way I'm constructing my terrain or the setup in my OSG app…I'm not
> sure.
> While I don't understand the algorithm that is being used for OSG terrain,
> I would expect it to perform as good or somewhat close to other Windows
> based earth viewers such as NASA's WorldWind which seems to run just fine on
> Windows with large databases.
> For the record, here's the osgdem command I'm using to build the terrain…
> osgdem –TERRAIN –PagedLOD –geocentric –t dted –d texture –l  10 –o
> terrain/wasatch_utm.ive
> Any input on the matter would be appreciated…
> -Shayne
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