Hello Nao,

Would you have some advice about this, please?

Please don't send e-mail to someone directly when you post questions on a mailing list. If I didn't reply, there are a couple possible reasons, which may be that I didn't get to it yet, or that I don't have anything to add (which is the case here). In any case, it's kind of like assuming that your question takes precedence over whatever else I may be doing, which is a bit rude. Like most people on the mailing list, I have paid work to do, and answering messages on the list is done on the off-time (while something compiles, or whatever).

Now, when I try to use a 2048x2048 jpeg image for the texture, I get
this message (after viewer.run()):

 Scaling image 'skybox-1.jpg' from (2048,2048) to (512,512)

And indeed the image seems rescaled to 512x512.  It does not have the
quality of 2048x2048 image.

Is there a way to use the 2048x2048 image without rescaing?  What
component is enforcing this 512x512 restriction?

I have no idea why OSG would scale an image from 2048x2048 to 512x512. As far as I know, OSG should only auto-resize an image if its dimensions are not powers of two, and 2048 is a power of two...

You could place a breakpoint where the message originates (search for "Scaling image" in the OSG sources, and place a breakpoint there) and then run your application, and when the breakpoint is reached, examine the call stack to see where the resize originates from.

Sorry I can't help more.

Jean-Sebastien Guay    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

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