Paul, Dusten:

Are you trying to include the soft body animation (deforming surface (triangle) mesh constructed according to the tetrahedral element deformation) that is avaialble in bullet or are you just focusing on building triangle/collision meshes for rigid bodies ?

I work along similar lines but it is osg + physx :-)


Ulrich Hertlein pisze:
Hi Paul, hi Dusten,

On 1/11/08 5:44 AM, Dusten Sobotta wrote:
Thanks a lot; this has been incredibly useful.  What is the eta for the
first release of your library? I've also solved a few problems with
integrating osg + bullet, and might be able to contribute a few things
if you're up to it.

On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 12:20 PM, Paul Martz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
I'm currently developing an open source library containing utilities for integrating OSG with Bullet. Here is the code I use to create triangle
    meshes. The code for ComputeTriMeshVisitor is attached.

I'd also be interested in helping out with a proper osg/Bullet integration, having done a half-hearted (it did what I needed) attempt two years ago.

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